
Traditional braces are a widely accepted orthodontic option today for adults and teens.

Braces are particularly useful when moving teeth that are in tricky positions or that require moving from across a larger distance into their correct positions.

Most braces are metal but ceramic or crystal options are also available for an extra fee if patients are seeking a more aesthetic orthodontic journey.

Aligners can straighten your teeth and are nearly invisible. It is, by far, the most popular orthodontic solution at our practice.

The average aligner case is about 6 to 18 months, depending on the crowding severity.

Not all orthodontic cases can be completed with aligner therapy but most can be, due to the advancement in technology in the recent years.

Aligners are easier to clean, more comfortable and a faster solution compared to braces.

Note: It is important that you consult with one of our clinicians before deciding on the best orthodontics treatment. We will help you make an informed decision that best suits you.