
A mouthguard is a protective device that is worn over the teeth to help prevent injuries to the teeth, mouth, and jaw during sports or other activities that could result in a blow to the face. Mouthguards are commonly used in contact sports such as football, hockey, and boxing, as well as in activities like skateboarding and gymnastics.

Mouthguards are typically made of a flexible, rubber-like material that is molded to fit over the teeth. They work by cushioning the teeth and jaw and absorbing and dispersing the force of impact, helping to prevent broken teeth, injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth, and jaw fractures.

At Ballarat Family Dental, we can make custom-fitted mouthguards for you. These are made with an impression of the individual's teeth. They provide the best fit, comfort, and protection.

Mouthguards should be worn during any activity that carries a risk of facial injury. They should be cleaned regularly and replaced when they show signs of wear.