Dr Mustafa Bassam at Ballarat Family Dental

Dr Mustafa Bassam

General Dentist

Dr Mustafa graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from Dubai in 2015. He moved to Australia in 2017 and made it his home. With 8 years of experience in public and private dentistrym Dr Mustafa is a mentor for overseas dentists who are sitting Australian Dental council exams.

He is a gentle & caring dentist and remains committed to ensuring that his patients receive access to the highest standards of modern dental care available. Dr Mustafa primarily focusses on his passion for cosmetic dental work - porcelain veneers, crowns and teeth whitening. Dr Mustafa also has special interests in extractions, oral surgery (especially difficult extractions and wisdom teeth surgeries) and root canal treatments. He actively participates in regular continuing professional development courses throughout the year across Australia and abroad to ensure that his knowledge and skills always remain up to date.

Dr Mustafa is a member of Australian Dental Association and Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.